Fig, Burrata and Rocket Pesto

Find deliciously ripe figs and soft burrata to make this sweet and creamy sharing plate, or divide into smaller portions for an easy vegetarian starter.

Ingredients (serves 2):

4 figs

1 ball of burrata, or good quality mozzarella

Handful of rocket leaves

50g pistachios


Olive oil


  1. Cut the figs in half and assemble in a bowl or deep plate.

  2. Crush the pistachios roughly using a pestle and mortar/blender, add the rocket leaves and mix until you’re left with a nutty paste. Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon and a good glug of olive oil, then season to taste - add a clove of garlic if you want an additional punch of flavour.

  3. Tear open the burrata (or mozzarella if you can’t find any) and place aside the figs, then drizzle the pesto over the top.

  4. Garnish with nasturtium flowers for colour and additional peppery taste if you have them.


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